Antique wooden windows

We have extensive experience in the implementation of historic windows and window systems stylized as vintage. Our products are of high quality and meet even the most stringent requirements set for us by conservators, investors and individual customers. We encourage you to see the photo gallery.


Hotel w Moryniu


Poznań, Mielżyńskiego 22


Tübingen, Neckarhalde






Old Distillery

Wrangelsburg Castle, Germany


Schlochau Castle, Poland


Wall Strasse, Berlin, Germany


Tel Aviv, Israel


Landau, Germany


Leibnitzstrasse 80, Berlin, Germany


Dessau, Germany


Sylt Island, Germany


Biesnitzer Str. Görlitz, Gemany


Misdroy, Poland


„Executioner's House” Kolberg, Poland


Glogauer Str. Berlin, Germany


Ubersee, Germany


Industriesrasse, Schkeuditz, Germany


Schonenberg Palace, Poland


„Promenade of Stars” Misdroy, Poland


Kreusberg Str. Berlin, Germany


Eisenacher Str. Berlin, Germany


Großbeeren Str. Berlin, Germany


Karlsruhe, Germany


Jaehne's villa - Gorzow


Tel Aviv / Israel